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Type for a field of Borehole Heat Exchangers with free location of boreholes

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Would anyone know where I can find a Type for a field of Borehole Heat Exchangers with free location of boreholes?

Popular Type557 cannot deal with this, since all boreholes are located on a honeycomb structure.

According to this 2016 master thesis ( https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:914770/FULLTEXT01.pdf), some Types able to do this using g-functions technique have been developped in the past (Type 203, 243, 244, 246), especially at Université de Montréal. Have you ever heard of these Types?



3 Answers


I am not aware of the Université de Montréal models that are based on g-functions. I would be very interested in dusting them off if someone out there has access to them! Less than a week ago I was asked if there was such a model and I was unaware of one!

Some years ago there was a model called SBM that was developed by Daniel PAHUD and if I recall correctly, it allowed you to define where you wanted the bores to be placed. You might find some information about it at: https://repository.supsi.ch/3042/1/29-Pahud-1996-SBM.pdf

kind regards,



Topic starter

Dear David,

Thanks for your suggestion.

I have been thinking about what follows: Using g-functions for close-loop ground heat exchangers means using convolution (also called superimposition principle) to deal with time-varying heat rates. This will be probably quite painfull to implement in a dedicated Type.

As an alternative, I would fit a network of resistances and capacities on whatever g-function I like (borehole heat exchangers, pile HE, etc.), and then use that network to compute the evolution of temperature with Type 78a (Differential équation solver).

Best regards,



Not sure whether that's an option for you but in this paper the authors describe how to use Type 557 with equivalent BHE distances for irregular geometries:


DavidBradley 05/07/2024 6:01 pm

thank you for pointing to that article! We have some in-house methods that we use as well. It will be interesting to see if our methods line up with the method suggested in the paper.
kind regards,
