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Cold storage model in TRNSYS with design temperature of minus 18 celcius

3 Posts
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Hi everyone,


I want to model a cooling system for cold storage in TRNSYS. The peak cooling load is around 10 kW. Can we use an air source heat pump to achieve minus 15 Celsius temperature (I know air source heat pumps are normally used for space cooling, not sure if we can use it for cold storage to achieve such a low temperature)?  or water cooled chiller would be better (then I am not sure if such a small size water cooled chiller are available)? 

Could you please guide me on what would be the best option and what TRNSYS types/ resources are available?

Many thanks!



1 Answer


  Most of the heat pump models in Trnsys use performance maps meaning that they read heat pump capacity and power consumption from an external data file. What you'll need to do is to find some performance data for a commercially available heat pump or chiller that can produce the kind of supply temperatures that you need. Make sure that the performance data gives you capacity and COP over the entire range of inlet temperatures that you expect the device to see. I have recently been working on a project in which we modeled a liquid-to-liquid heat pump that delivers (evaporator outlet) at -14C. The return (evaporator entry) temperature is -9C. In our case we very carefully controlled both the evaporator and condenser inlet temperatures so that we didn't have to worry as much about how the capacity and COP vary.

kind regards,



Virk Topic starter 18/09/2023 2:16 pm
This post was modified 1 year ago by Virk

@davidbradley Thank you for responding. Could you please tell me which manufacturer data you used? Is it possible for you to share the performance data files? (if not, could you please at least share the manufacturer data files?). Many Thanks!

DavidBradley 18/09/2023 3:52 pm

In our case the heat pump capacity was 240kW and its COP at the entering condition was 1.6. Those two values basically didn't vary but only because we were able to (or because we had to, depending on how you look at it) control the inlet conditions so that they also didn't vary. I'm afraid I don't have any performance data that I am able to share away from that one operating point that we used.
