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[TRNSYS-users] Window importation failure

Dear everybody 

I am in the process of calculating the energy demand of a building, by employing type 56.

Internal windows and glass doors are relevant in my house´s adaptative thermal behaviour. That is why I have included both of them in  Google Sketchup - Plugin TRNSYS 3D drawing.

But, unfortunately, once the  idf file is imported, I open Trnbuild to edit the building and I find that most of internal windows and also some of the external ones do not show up at the correspondent thermal zones.

Adjacencies have been thorougly checked and the dck file has also been properly set. The simulation works OK and I have been able to get some results. All the windows are light blue in the Sketchup-Plugin Trnsys 3D file. And the internal ones have been drawn simetrically in both adjacent thermal zones.

¿Could you please give any useful tip to solve my problem? ¿Is there perhaps a maximum number of windows and I am surpassing it?

Best regards



Departamento de Energía UNIOVI