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[TRNSYS-users] trnflow error



Could anyone can tell me why trnflow solver has the problem of the convergence when the building zone heating type has a high radiative part, please?

For example, I have a one-zone building with

  • a heating type of 9000 kJ/h and radiative part of 0.9, the zone temperature is set at 20 °C

                                                     CR_001                               DS_001

  • trnflow network with EN_01        à           ZONE_01             à           EN_02


For launching the simulation, I had the problem with internal convergence of trnflow: Convergence of the internal iteration of TYPE 56 not attained within 100max. number of internal iteration.


When I decrease the radiative part of heating type to 0.8 the simulation work well without any error.


Any help will be appreciated!


Thank you very much.





Van Long LE

Research Engineer

Energy & Building


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