my problem is that I run an optimization and it was ok, then I changed some parameters/add variables to the trnsys file and when I try to run again the optimization I get this error:
Assigning 4 threads for simulations.
Exception in executing the simulation program
Simulation working directory : 'C:\TRNSYS18\Optimization\GenOpt\Simulation\tmp-genopt-run-1'
Command string : 'C:\TRNSYS18\Exe\TrnEXE64.exe "C:\TRNSYS18\Optimization\GenOpt\Simulation\tmp-genopt-run-1\GenoptInputFile.DCK" /h /WAIT '
Exception message:
Error in executing the simulation program
Exit value of the simulation program: 1
Working directory : 'C:\TRNSYS18\Optimization\GenOpt\Simulation\tmp-genopt-run-1'.
Current command String : 'C:\TRNSYS18\Exe\TrnEXE64.exe "C:\TRNSYS18\Optimization\GenOpt\Simulation\tmp-genopt-run-1\GenoptInputFile.DCK" /h /WAIT '.
Error stream of simulation program : Simulation program did not return an error stream.
GenOpt terminated with error.
See logfile for further information.
I checked everything also the path, but nothing (the trnsys file run without any problems),I also tried to change the folder of trnsys file and dck.
What's the problem? What can I do? I can't go ahead.
Thank you,