Hi Everybody, I would like to share an Excel-Tool that I just made, that might help with the data file. All you need to supply is the performance data from manufacturer, type in the data into the orange fields and copy the data provided on the last section of each tabs into text files. I had some difficulties understanding the provided example data at first, so I thought that a tool might help to make everyone’s life easier. Sorry that it’s in German, translate.google.com should help though. Any suggestions and comments are welcome. Thanks in advance. P.S.: The Tool is not intended for commercial use nor to be cited on any works. Best regards, Yose Wandy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yose Wandy B.Sc. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Hochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel Fakultät Versorgungstechnik Institut für energieoptimierte Systeme (EOS) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Kühl Salzdahlumer Straße 46-48 D - 38302 Wolfenbüttel Tel. 0049 - 5331 / 939 – 40 550 Fax 0049 - 5331 / 939 – 40 552 |
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