Dear Maroun, define the small surfaces as external walls with a higher U-Value than the normal external ones. You will have to find out about the exact number
yourselve. Best _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jakob Merk TRNSYS Software Team
Curiestraße 2 70563 Stuttgart Fax: +49 711 67976-11 Web:
Von: TRNSYS-users []
Im Auftrag von NEMAR Maroun via TRNSYS-users Hi dear users, I wish you all doing fine. I am a user of TRNSYS 17, and this is my first time that I want to consider the effect of thermal bridges in simulation of building. Please look at the screen shot in attached and make me know if what I made
is correct : I made in my *.idf file a small surfaces in each corner of zones as external walls (look at it in attached), then I want to make them in TRNBuild as a thermal bridges, am I right ? If yes, how can I do so in TRNBuild ? Please I need answers, thank you. Best regards, MAROUN |