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Re: [TRNSYS-users] GenOpt could not be found

This error is usually caused by one of three problems:

1. GenOpt and Trnsys17 both need to be installed in locations that allow full and complete read/write access to all users (including the SYSTEM user, which is a built-in account.)
2. Go through your project and make sure that you do not have any relative path names specified. Make sure all path names (to weather files, external data files, output files, etc.) are all complete paths starting with the drive letter
3. there is some mismatch between where GenOpt, Java, and Trnsys are actually located and the locations that are shown in the TRNOPT settings.

I would recommend that you go very carefully through the TRNOPT documentation's setup procedure and make sure that you can get the TRNOPT example to run before you try running your own optimization. That will help determine whether you are facing and install/permissions issue or an issue that is specific to your simulation.
kind regards,

On 04/14/2016 23:13, 박승훈 wrote:
Hello Users,

I'm using TRNSYS 17 and recently, I try to use genopt(TRNOPT) in the optimization library. But I don’t know what is wrong since the last week.

Using the TRNOPT component, I was set some parameters to optimize my template. And then, at the 'setting' tab, in the TRNOPT17(TRNSYS - GenOpt link program), I also designate the three kind of file location

1. directory where the GenOpt Folder is located : C:\Trnsys17\Optimization\ 

2. Location of Java Files : C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_77\bin\ 

3. Main TRNSYS directory : C:\Users\SEUNGHOON\Desktop\RnD\DST_Model\DSTvolume\Practice\TRNSYSprojets\projectHR\37FLSBCIgfunction\
(my simulation studio file is here in this 37FLSBCIgfunction folder)

And I did all I need (select input file as ~.dck, variables, and specify variables and select optimization method also)

But If I click the 'Run Optimization' , I can see this error message. "GenOpt could not be found. Please check the directory in settings".

Did I do something wrong?? Please give an advice.

Best regard,

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