Dear Marcello,
I think the section of the documentation that you are seeking is of the 07-ProgrammersGuide.pdf. That has the information about the subroutine for calculating the incident radiation on the tilted surface and is used for Type15, Type16, and Type56.
Best regards,
Matt Duffy
On 2012-06-27 02:38, wrote:
Dear TRNSYS Users (and especially TRNSYS developers),
With the release 17.1 of TRNSYS, there are two undocumented functions, used by Type56: getRadiatonData and setRadiationData. Does someone have any example of utilization of these functions or a documentation, even in a draft form?
Thank you!
Marcello Caciolo
Responsable Outils et Méthodes d'Analyse Energétique
Cellule Efficacité Energétique et Environnementale - Pôle Projets et Réalisations
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