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  yes, very clear! thank you. That is what I had understood about the problem the first time but then I thought I had missed something when I saw some of the other hints. My original guess still holds. I think there is something corrupted about your proforma (the *.tmf file). Please send it to me or to your distributor and we can try and get it sorted out.
Kind regards,

On 8/24/2011 16:30, Oswaldo Hidalgo Barrientos wrote:
Hi David
well, In the first mail i think which is explained my problem. I dont say that trnsys show me a ERROR or a MESSAGE...I cant even start a simulation with my new component. When I copy the .DLL file and the proforms files in the specific folder in the target computer, my new component is show in the "tree components" in the "simulation studio" but inmediatly when I try move the new component of "tree components" to space work of "simulation studio" or I do double click under Type (to open proform), Trnsys is closes automatically without show some error message or anything.

Well now. I just copied successfully my new component in other laptop but the problems is in other target machines in my college, this computers have the same version trnsys and the same licence that my laptops, the only differences would be hardware maybe and that the target machines of the college are conected to an intranet managed for a server...i dont know if the problem is by this or by other stuff.

I dont have problems with the simulation because simply I could not start a simulation. i cant implement the proforma in a new project. My problem is before simulation.

i was clear?

2011/8/24 David BRADLEY <d.bradley@tess-inc.com>
  I had understood from your first email that you were getting an error when opening a proforma on the target machine (ie nothing to do with actually running a simulation). Some of the other responses have been aimed at solving a run-time problem (in other words you can implement the proforma in a new project on the target machine but you get an error when you run the simulation. Can you please clarify?
Kind regards,

On 8/24/2011 14:17, Oswaldo Hidalgo Barrientos wrote:
Hi Christiana and users, thanks so much

Really, i dont know if target machines, have the microsoft VC++ redist pack libs installed or updated...I will check...
but i have other question with the above, does this is without regardless if my new component was developed in Compac Visual Fortran 6?....also I have the problem that target machines are conected from a  internal network and are managed  by a server machine....do should copy the new component (dll and proforms) in the server machine or in every target machine?



2011/8/23 Christian Glück <christian.glueck@kit.edu>
Hi Oswaldo,

do you have the Micro$oft VC++ redist pack libs installed on the target computer?
I've had a similar problem once, it's here: https://mailman.cae.wisc.edu/pipermail/trnsys-users/2010/005826.html  
Maybe that's it.


On 08/23/2011 07:00 PM, trnsys-users-request@cae.wisc.edu wrote:

Dear all.

I am trying copy in other computers a new component developed in my laptop ...I copy the file ".dll" in /trnsys17/userlib/ReleaseDLLS and the files ".tmf" (proforma) to copy in trnsys17/studio/proformas/new folder.....anyway, I do all this stuff....once
 open the simulation studio in new computer, the new component is show in the tree of components, no problem until then, but inmediatly when I try move the new component of tree to space work of simulation studio or I do double click under Type the Trnsys is closes.
Really I dont know what happen...I can understand that the new component does not work, but which trnsys closes automatically?
in all my pc, trnsys is with license.

i have three question.
1. What I can do?
2. Does It creates some link between the computer and my pc when is develope the proforma, export to fortran, compile and build ".dll"?
3. How i can limit the copy of my new component to a certain number of pc with the userID? or What I can do to that my new component be of free copy?

thanks all


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