Dear Marion,
many thanks for your answer. You are right, this morning I run a
shorter simulation and saw the problem was related to a sudden increase of
airflow caused by a window opening schedule. I run another simulation with
closed windows and it converged, but I realised I have no flow from
infiltration. I thought this was provided by the "for closed opening" parameters
in the Large Opening Type Manager. Any suggestion about that?
Also, I modified my window schedule by
increasing by 0.02 the opening factor each minute and using a short (0.0125)
timestep. My simulation does not stop, but I still get some convergence
problems, probably due to very large flows in the kitchen, which also has
stack ventilation... Could some unrealistick stack parameter be the
Best regards,
Francisco Rodríguez
Parque Tecnológico, Edificio 700.
E-48160 Derio (Bizkaia) (SPAIN)
Tel. +34 94 607 33 00, Fax. +34 94 607
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