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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Antw: Re: long time simulation

Thanks a lot for all your answers. Yes, Diego, we have a building in our simulation. So the trouble-maker is type56. Good idea to have it on the list for future enhancements. Thanks also to Nadine. We will check the possibility to use type56b, although it will be a little bit more work to do without the standard output files of type56.

Best regards,





 DI Dr. mont. Hermann Schranzhofer
 Institut fuer Waermetechnik / Institute of Thermal Engineering
 TU Graz / Graz University of Technology       
 Inffeldgasse 25 / B, A-8010 Graz      

 Tel.: +43 316 873 7314
 Fax : +43 316 873 7305


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