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[TRNSYS-users] Type 196, parabolic trough, loss factors

Dear all,
I am trying to modify the type 196 that Scott Jones has programmed for
the SEGS collectors in TRNSYS. Does anyone have the two references
mentioned in the Proforma of this type, e.g.
[3] Lippke, F, Simulation of the Part-Load Behavior of a 30 MWe SEGS
Plant, SAND95-1293, Sandia National
     Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, 1995.
[8] Dudley V.E. et al.: SEGS LS-2 Solar Collector. Test Results. Sandia
National Laboratories 1994.
I need the description of the loss factors A, B, C... that are given in
these references. 

Thanks, regards

Dr.-Ing. Paul Kohlenbach
Research Engineer
Distributed Generation
CSIRO Energy Technology
PO Box 330
Newcastle, 2300  NSW,  Australia
Tel: (02) 4960 6107
Fax: (02) 4960 6111
Email: paul.kohlenbach@CSIRO.au