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Re: [TRNSYS-users] TRNbuild problem

When TRNBuild generates the Type56 files, it places the .inf, .bld, and .trn files all in the same location as the .bui file. If you aren't getting an .inf file when you save your .bui file, I would suggest that you send the .bui to your distributor to see if they can find the problem.

As a side note, very thin walls as well as very thick walls can sometimes cause problems in generating the Type56 files. Interior wood doors or steel garage doors are often the offending walls.

Kind regards,

At 08:06 1/31/2006, Guillaume Renault wrote:
Hi everybody,
I have defined my own walls, by using only layers already existing, saved the walls in the user.lib. When I want to save the project, an error message appears, which says that I have to check the layer definition (thickness, ratio of conductivity/ density) and to check the INF-File for further information.

I checked the BUI file opened with a text reader, and I've found nothing wrong.
All of the wall's thickness are less than 1 meter !

Could someone tell me where is located the INF-File.

Thanks in advance,

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