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Only one instance of Type 49 allowed in a simulation

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From user Sam Elyas:


I got the error message 'only one instance of type 49 allowed in a simulation'
There is only one instance of type 49 in the project as per image below, I don't understand where the problem comes from. Thank you!
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1 Answer
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There was a bug in an older version of TRNSYS that caused Type 49 to error, even when there was only one instance of the Type in the simulation. That bug was resolved in May 2020. Updating to the latest distributed version of TRNSYS18 (version 18.05.0001, released in March 2023) should fix the problem. You can update your version of TRNSYS by following the download and installation instructions that were emailed to you (or to the TRNSYS contact at your school or company) when TRNSYS was purchased. See the threads Updating TRNSYS and Moving TRNSYS from one computer to another (if you use node-locked licenses) to make sure you don't lose any work or lose a license activation when updating TRNSYS. 


If updating to TRNSYS version 18.05.0001 doesn't solve the problem, I would double-check the .dck file to make sure the .dck file also shows only one instance of Type 49. In Simulation Studio, from the Calculate menu at the top, choose Calculate -> Open -> Input file, and search the .dck file (it's a text file) for Type 49. There should only be one line that lists a unit number and a Type number (such as UNIT 2 TYPE 49) for Type 49. If there is more than one unit number assigned to Type 49 in the .dck file, that would cause the error message you're seeing. It seems unlikely that's your issue, given the screenshot of your project, but it's possible there's another instance of Type 49 in a hidden layer of the project (go to View -> Show layers and check all layers), or the link between Studio and the .dck file got corrupted somehow.


If you're using TRNSYS version 18.05.0001 and there's definitely only one instance of Type 49 in the .dck file, there may be another bug to fix. I would send the project and any files needed to run the project to your distributor for troubleshooting.
