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3 Posts
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From a question submitted to TRNSYS-UERS

Hello, everyone,

  There is an error when I export the model of TRNSYS3D to the TRNSYS , as shown in following picture. How can I find the 210 surface in sketchup? How can I solve this problem?

                                                                                          Best regards,

This topic was modified 2 years ago 3 times by YuichiYasuda
3 Answers
Topic starter

Surface numbers are assigned by TRNBuild.
In other words, you cannot find the surface by the number because it does not exist in TRNSYS3D.

Try the following steps.

1. First of all, export the IDF file from TRNBuild. This will export the surface numbers assigned by TRNBuild to the IDF file.
2. Then open the IDF file in TRNSYS3D.
3. In the Surface Search dialog, enter the Surface number in the Name field. In your case, enter 210.
4. Click on the Search Entire Model button.

Now only the surface will be shown.


I hope this works.


This post was modified 2 years ago by YuichiYasuda
Topic starter

Dear Yuichi and all

Thanks for your reply. Howerver, it still cannot find the surface 210 as shown in the following picture. I think the reason is the area of the 210 surface is 0 as  shown in the following picture. What is the rule of surface numbers  by TRNBuild to the IDF file? This can help me find the wrong surface(210). The error occured because the area of the 210 surface is 0.
This post was modified 2 years ago by YuichiYasuda
Topic starter

All surfaces are given names.
When a surface is created in TRNSYS3D, it is automatically given an alphanumeric name, for example A0737D.

In contrast, TRNBuild identifies all surfaces by number. Therefore, when the IDF is imported into TRNBuild, it is assigned a surface number instead of the name.

Thereafter, when exporting from TRNBuild to an IDF, the surface number will be used as the name.

In your case, it seems that TRNBuild did not export the surface (210) to the IDF correctly.
Or the surface may be so small that it is not visible.

If you are having difficulty finding the surface, I recommend that you delete and recreate the zone to which the surface belongs.

