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Hello everyone,
I often find mistakes when creating New Type programmed by myself, and once the .dll file is created with 'Type Studio', it is impossible to find ways to make it work as a debbuger. I have seen a video at TESS YouTube channel where they use Visual Basic for this purposes, openning the file 'TRNSYS.sln' from the folder 'Compilers' ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZ5-zSC094Q).
Nevertheless, while proceding to open this file with Visual Studio (as shown in the video), the files that appear on the left side (in .vfproj format) cannot be installed and, consequently, it is not possible to add .f90 files to those side folders in order to use Visual Studio as Debugger. My version of Visual Studio is the 'Visual Studio Community 2022'. Has anybody else faced this issue as well? Any suggestion for fixing this problem or any other free program recommendation?
I would be glad for a reply from any of you, Fortran debuggers are not that usual and trial/error methods for solving problems are really time consuming.
Kind regards,
Pablo Calleja
Visual Studio is what we use for TRNSYS development, so I can't really recommend another development tool. I'm glad you found the YouTube video, that was going to be my first recommendation. Note that you have to open the solution project (.sln) in Visual Studio, not the .vfproj file. There are instructions to download Visual Studio and the Intel Fortran Compiler in one of the first comments on that video. Make sure you follow all of the directions, as compiling won't work without all of the components referenced in the instructions.
I have heard from a couple users that they had issues with debugging in Visual Studio 2022. You might try an older version of Visual Studio and see if that makes a difference. I still use Visual Studio 2019 on one of my machines and haven't had issues.
Thanks in advance for your reply. I have followed all the steps present from the comment section of your video, but we still haven't managed to make it work.
We find various errors while compiling the .sln project (even without adding the .f90 files we want to debug) with or without .f90 files opened in VS. The biggest issue is the rc.exe not available error (LNK1181), as well as other errors that seem related to the Type 155 folders (LNK2001 and LNK1120). We have tried to applied the suggestions available in stack overflow forum ( https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75868345/rc-exe-not-found-with-vs-2022-over-and-over-again) and developer community ( https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/rcexe-not-found-when-compiling-from-command-line-w/742544), but we are still trying to make it work correctly: Have you ever faced this problem? Any suggestions for dealing with this kind of Visual Studio errors?
Kind regards,
Pablo Calleja

I have not encountered any errors referencing 'rc.exe' and do not have immediate ideas what may be causing them.
Have you tried contacting your TRNSYS distributor? They may be able to provide more specific assistance. If you do not know who your distributor is, you can email your user18.id file to techsupport@tess-inc.com, and we can look up the distributor information.