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Modeling Compressed Air Thermal Energy Storage in TRNSYS

1 Posts
2 Users
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Topic starter

Hello everyone,

I am currently working on a project to model a Compressed Air Thermal Energy Storage (CAES) system using TRNSYS. The system includes a compressor, heat exchanger, pressure storage pipe, and air turbine. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or resources from anyone who has experience with similar models, particularly within the TRNSYS environment.

Despite extensive research, I have not found published papers that specifically address this type of CAES model in TRNSYS. If anyone has worked on this before or knows of relevant resources, your insights would be invaluable.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Best regards,

1 Answer


There are models of a gas compressor and of compressed gas storage (maybe similar to your "pressure storage pipe") in the standard TRNSYS library. There is an alternate model of a gas compressor in the TESS CoGen library. Depending on what sort of air turbine you need to model, there is a wind turbine in the standard library and a gas turbine in the TESS CoGen library. I am not aware of any ram air turbine models. 

In general, what I would suggest is that you approach this on two fronts. One is to get a sense for what features you need the models to have; in other words what information will you know (inputs) and what information do you need the models to calculate. The other is to look at the documentation for the existing models to see if the algorithms they use are appropriate for your situation. For example, it may be that a constant effectiveness air-to-air heat exchanger model such as already exists in TRNSYS is appropriate for modeling a high pressure heat exchanger or whether there are physical processes in play for high pressure systems that are not represented by existing models. 

With that information in hand it should then be easier to answer the question of whether existing models are sufficient, whether new models are needed or whether existing models can be modified to be appropriate for high pressure systems. 

kind regards,

