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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Error compiling a source code

> 1. Which is the new component replaced with Type 539 in the latest TESS library?

I believe that it’s Type1539 but you should double check to make sure.  I’m not sure how or where you received a copy of Type 1294 but we can have that conversation privately.

As the author of Type 539, I’m somewhat concerned that another user is distributing our source code under a different type number without a license.  Please remember that Type 539 is part of our commercial libraries and we consider transfer of that code to another user to be theft and will work to protect our intellectual property.  If you are a licensed owner of the TESS Libraries for version 18, and there is a feature that you would like added to Type 1539, please let us know and we will strongly consider implementing it.  We LOVE adding new features and functionality to our models!

And for all users, a simple reminder that you cannot make a change to a component and then give that component to a non licensed user.  There are copyright laws in place to protect against that and we actively and aggressively pursue action when needed.  We intentionally provide TRNSYS source code so that our users can go in and make changes to help them analyze complex systems or add functionality that’s not part of the standard model.  It’s a feature that makes TRNSYS extremely powerful and flexible.  Should we notice that this openness is being exploited we will be forced to discontinue providing source code - and that hurts all of our users.  

I apologize to all users on this forum that a simple email request about a collector model elicited a response about licensing and user responsibility but unfortunately we need to remind users somewhat frequently about this.

> 2. What is the work around in TRNSYS 18 to compile a source code created in TRNSYS 17 or later version?

For version 17 models there is no work around needed.  If written correctly, those models will compile with no issues.  Version 16 components will need to be converted from single precision variables to double precision variables and some of the function calls will need to be renamed.  Details can be found in the TRNSYS documentation.

> 3. If I am able to achieve (2) and successfully generate a dll for Type 1294, do I still need to create a proforma for Type 1294? How do I give it a bitmap image in order for it to appear in the Direct Access Toolbar?

Create the new component proforma then browse to where you saved it and then edit the bitmap icon.

Jeff / TESS