1/U-wert=(1/7.7)+(1/25)+(1/thermal conductance)
Dr. Hassan Mahach
wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Arbeitsfeld Technische Innovationen
+49 681 844 972 23
IZES gGmbH | Altenkesseler Straße 17, Geb. A1 | 66115 Saarbrücken
Büro Berlin | Albrechtstraße 22 | 10117 Berlin
Telefon: +49 681 844 972 0 | Fax: +49 681 761 799 9
Rechtsform: gGmbH | Registergericht Saarbrücken HRB 8499
Steuernummer: 040 140 241 53 | USt.-IdNr.: DE 138 113 796
Aufsichtsratsvorsitz: Minister Jürgen Barke
Geschäftsführung: Prof. Frank Baur | Dr. Lesya Matiyuk

Von: Mahach, Hassan
Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. Juli 2022 16:13
An: 'Loic Tachon' <>
Cc: TRNSYS users mailing list at <>
Betreff: AW: [TRNSYS-users] TRNSYS ground floor
Hi Loïc,
If you look to your inf file you find :
THERMAL CONDUCTANCE, U= 37.80000 kJ/h m2K; U-Wert= 3.77020 W/m2K
(incl. alpha_i=7.7 W/m^2 K and alpha_o=25 W/m^2 K)
I think that’s means in this case that the thermal conductance refers only to your wall and U-wert, in addition to thermal conductance, includes the inside
and outside heat transfer coefficients:
1/U-wert=(1/7.7)+(25)+(1/thermal conductance)
Kind regards
Dr. Hassan Mahach
wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Arbeitsfeld Technische Innovationen
+49 681 844 972 23
IZES gGmbH | Altenkesseler Straße 17, Geb. A1 | 66115 Saarbrücken
Büro Berlin | Albrechtstraße 22 | 10117 Berlin
Telefon: +49 681 844 972 0 | Fax: +49 681 761 799 9
Rechtsform: gGmbH | Registergericht Saarbrücken HRB 8499
Steuernummer: 040 140 241 53 | USt.-IdNr.: DE 138 113 796
Aufsichtsratsvorsitz: Minister Jürgen Barke
Geschäftsführung: Prof. Frank Baur | Dr. Lesya Matiyuk

Von: Loic Tachon []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. Juli 2022 15:09
An: Mahach, Hassan <>
Cc: TRNSYS users mailing list at <>
Betreff: Re: [TRNSYS-users] TRNSYS ground floor
Hi Hassan,
What is the difference between THERMAL CONDUCTANCE, U= 37.80000 kJ/h m2K; U-Wert= 3.77020 W/m2K ? (we find theses wall value in the inf file) This is not just unit conversion because 37.8 / 3.6 is different that 3.77.
Le mar. 5 juil. 2022 à 10:36, Mahach, Hassan <> a écrit :
Hi Dr. Tachon,
The U-Wert means how your wall transfer the heat and it’s normal that you get this change because
you changed the thickness of your materials as well as his type (U-wert= Thermal conductivity/thickness). You may also consider your ground-on-slab as boundary wall by setting to the inside (front) and outside (back) convective heat transfer coefficients.
You can refer to volume, page 143 of the documentation
A wall having a known boundary condition might be a concrete floor resting on ground of a known temperature or a wall adjacent to
a zone whose temperature is known. The front of the wall is considered to be at the inside of the zone. Normally, the boundary condition is the temperature of a node connected to the back surface of the wall through a pure resistance. It is possible to specify
the surface temperature of the outside by setting the back side heat transfer coefficient of the WALL Type (HBACK) to a very small value (less than 0.001 kJ/h/m²). This WALL Type is then only appropriate for use as a wall with a known boundary. The
use of a very small value may be confusing but was kept for backwards compatibility reasons”
I Hope that’s helps
Dr. Hassan Mahach
wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Arbeitsfeld Technische Innovationen
+49 681 844 972 23
IZES gGmbH | Altenkesseler Straße 17, Geb. A1 | 66115 Saarbrücken
Büro Berlin | Albrechtstraße 22 | 10117 Berlin
Telefon: +49 681 844 972 0 | Fax: +49 681 761 799 9
Rechtsform: gGmbH | Registergericht Saarbrücken HRB 8499
Steuernummer: 040 140 241 53 | USt.-IdNr.: DE 138 113 796
Aufsichtsratsvorsitz: Minister Jürgen Barke
Geschäftsführung: Prof. Frank Baur | Dr. Lesya Matiyuk

Von: TRNSYS-users []
Im Auftrag von Loic Tachon via TRNSYS-users
Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. Juli 2022 09:38
An: TRNSYS users mailing list at <>
Cc: Loic Tachon <>
Betreff: [TRNSYS-users] TRNSYS ground floor
I want to simulate a huge building (5500 m2) with a 20 cm concrete ground without isolation.
I don't really understand how the direct contact boundary condition works.
I made a ground wall composed of 20 cm of concret and 80 cm of calcar.
I realize that the simulation result (Tzone temperature) is very dependent of the ground temperature boundary condition.
I use type 77 with the depth of ground temperature of 1m, the amplitude of 12 and the mean temperature of 12.
If I change the parameters of type 77, the zone temperature results change a lots.
In the inf file, i get u value result of my floor : THERMAL CONDUCTANCE, U= 4.21086 kJ/h m2K; U-Wert= 0.97567 W/m2K
If I don't put the 80 cm of calcar, I get the following u value :
THERMAL CONDUCTANCE, U= 37.80000 kJ/h m2K; U-Wert= 3.77020 W/m2K
Is this normal ? What means U-Wert ?
Dr. Loïc Tachon
(+33) 6 7440-0536 (France)
Dr. Loïc Tachon
(+33) 6 7440-0536 (France)