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Re: [TRNSYS-users] using radiator type131 as a simple hydraulic heating system


 That is the correct method. I usually define a gain in TRNBuild that is called "QRADIATOR" and that sets the split between how much of the gain is convective and how much is radiative. Although we call them "radiators" usually about 80% of their heat gain is convective. So my QRADIATOR has 0.8 set as its convective part and 0.2 set for its radiative part. Then in each zone, I select that QRADIATOR gain and I scale it by the input value that comes from Type1231.

If you are not seeing as much heat output as you expect from your radiator recall that usually the design heat output assumes an air temperature of about 10C. If you then try to maintain something more like 20C in the zone then the radiator will not put out anywhere near the design heat amount. It will put out measurably less.

kind regards,


On 12/07/2021 10:25, Habtamu Tkubet via TRNSYS-users wrote:
Dear David
Hope you are doing well and safe. I appreciate your support in answering all related questions in TRNSYS. I have tried to type 1231 radiator for my two-store building type56 in order to give a heating system for a room of 13*7*3.8m on the ground floor, however, still, I am not sure enough on the result.
let me explain, some of the steps I followed to model the system
1. I added Radiator as miscellaneous in TRNBuild gain/loss and considering in the convective  "1*input"
2. I connected each radiator output of "Heat Transfer" to the type56 to Input
and the zone temperature to the input of the radiator temperature

let me know if I am going in the right way?

Habtamu Tkubet
Université de Lorraine
Faculté des Sciences & Technologies - LERMAB and CRAN           
 Epinal, France
Tél :+2519 11 79 05 22 /773623147

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Thermal Energy System Specialists, LLC
3 North Pinckney Street - suite 202
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