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[TRNSYS-users] using radiator type131 as a simple hydraulic heating system

Dear David
Hope you are doing well and safe. I appreciate your support in answering all related questions in TRNSYS. I have tried to type 1231 radiator for my two-store building type56 in order to give a heating system for a room of 13*7*3.8m on the ground floor, however, still, I am not sure enough on the result.
let me explain, some of the steps I followed to model the system
1. I added Radiator as miscellaneous in TRNBuild gain/loss and considering in the convective  "1*input"
2. I connected each radiator output of "Heat Transfer" to the type56 to Input
and the zone temperature to the input of the radiator temperature

let me know if I am going in the right way?

Habtamu Tkubet
Université de Lorraine
Faculté des Sciences & Technologies - LERMAB and CRAN           
 Epinal, France
Tél :+2519 11 79 05 22 /773623147