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[TRNSYS-users] TR: Mail pour “Floating point overflow.” error on TRNSYS18



Currently, I am using TRNSYS with TESS Library and I have a trouble that I do not managed to solve.

Two different models (SST2p and SST2s) have been developed on TRNSYS17 and worked pretty well, but recently we upgraded on TRNSYS18 64bit version. Unfortunately, TRNSYS18 64bit version doesn’t manage to run the model SST2s properly we have an error “Floating point overflow.” at the beginning of the simulation (first time step). SST2p runs normally and uses the same component but with a different architecture.  Do you have an idea of what is wrong with this model (SST2s) ? Could you solve this problem ?


Thank you in advance.


Best regards,


NB : You can find, attached to this e-mail, a ZIP folder which contains the TRNSYS18 files. SST2p works, while SST2s not.





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Alexis Armand

Etudiant INSA Strasbourg



Collaborateur Ra&D HES, TIN


Institut de Génie Thermique (IGT)


Site Web: http://www.lesbat.ch/


Mail : alexis.armand@heig-vd.ch

Tel. : +33669104976



Avenue des sports 20 - CP 521 - 1401 Yverdon-les-Bains




Attachment: TRNSYS files.zip
Description: TRNSYS files.zip