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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type 14


 There is no right or wrong way to do this. The examples are meant to show you some possibilities. You can use any of the methods below that you want. The only thing that matters is that you end up with a consumption profile that is reasonable and has the correct units.

In general, Type14 is good for defining profiles that don't have very many points in them (like a daily lighting load or occupancy profile). Some other components are designed so that if all you know is daily totals then they will break up the daily total into a reasonable subhourly profile. If you have electrical consumption data from EnergyPlus then I would guess it consists of hourly values for an entire year and would recommend that you read the values from a text file using Type9. It is then your decision as to whether you want to use some Type (Type14 might work) to break the hourly values coming from Type9 into a subhourly profile.

kind regards,


On 11/23/2020 04:41, celia do carmo ferrao Ferrao via TRNSYS-users wrote:

Dear Trnsys users,

I want to simulate a system of building.

I have the electrical consumption loads = Pload_electricity (Watt) taken from the Energy Plus data.

1 - Using the Equation Block, pre-defined in the examples, PVT,

 Pload = peak load * 3, 6 * Fload [kJ / h]

The Fload = fractioned profile is then passed to the equation block, But ... I put the power values in W, taken hourly from the file, (3.6 corrections to the conversion factor to obtain the power in kJ / h).

If I don't use the fractional power value, Fload (Type 14), can I just get the Power load, without using the peak load, Pload = 3.6 * Power Load (Watt) [kJ / h]?

Likewise, I can adapt to the consumption profile of DHW. I do not want to put the fractional value in type 14 ?

The Trnsys example, SDHW, in the definition in the equation block:

 “mdDHW = DHWProfile * 200“.  I can replace the data from Type 14 (which were in fractions), by water consumption profile values in Liters / day / person? This is because I have several houses with very different consumption, making no sense to multiply by the total consumption of the houses.

Best Regards

Célia Ferrão

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Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
3 North Pinckney Street - suite 202
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