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[TRNSYS-users] Type 14

Dear Trnsys users,

I want to simulate a system of building.

I have the electrical consumption loads = Pload_electricity (Watt) taken from the Energy Plus data.

1 - Using the Equation Block, pre-defined in the examples, PVT,

 Pload = peak load * 3, 6 * Fload [kJ / h]

The Fload = fractioned profile is then passed to the equation block, But ... I put the power values in W, taken hourly from the file, (3.6 corrections to the conversion factor to obtain the power in kJ / h).

If I don't use the fractional power value, Fload (Type 14), can I just get the Power load, without using the peak load, Pload = 3.6 * Power Load (Watt) [kJ / h]?

Likewise, I can adapt to the consumption profile of DHW. I do not want to put the fractional value in type 14 ?

The Trnsys example, SDHW, in the definition in the equation block:

 “mdDHW = DHWProfile * 200“.  I can replace the data from Type 14 (which were in fractions), by water consumption profile values in Liters / day / person? This is because I have several houses with very different consumption, making no sense to multiply by the total consumption of the houses.

Best Regards

Célia Ferrão