Hello everyone,
I hope you are all doing well and healthy.
I am modeling a PV powered air conditioner unit with back up system. My model cuurently operates. However, I am also planing to switch off the air conditioner between 18:00 to 08:00 on weekdays and also at the weekends.
I tried to use type 14 (weekdays and weekend defination) with type 41 (whole week). But I could not find the connection for output of type 41, namely forcing function output for current day. I suppose that they have to be connected to fan
control signal, mass flow rate or conditioning signals. But they are all connected to other models like building and termostat.
Can you please help me on this issue?
Best regards.
Res. Assist. Huseyin Gunhan Ozcan
Yasar Uni. Dept. of Energ. Sys. Eng.
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