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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Request for solution for weather data files

Dear Rajeev,


You could use a generic data reader (Type 9) to access you own data file from the simulation


I guess that you might need also a radiation processor unless you data file provides exactly what you need (e.g. global irradiance in a generic tilted surface or direct irradiance for a concentrating collector with one-axis tracking).


For this purpose Type 16 is available, with different subtypes depending on the input file radiation data format (DNI&DHI…)






Patxi Sorbet

Research Engineer

Solar Thermal Energy Department











De: Rajeev Awasthi [mailto:rajeev.awas2111@gmail.com]
Enviado el: martes, 05 de noviembre de 2019 6:18
Para: trnsys-users@lists.onebuilding.org
Asunto: [TRNSYS-users] Request for solution for weather data files


Dear TRNSYS users,


I want to simulate an SWH for New Delhi location in India for a whole year. But the weather data file in Type 15-6 under Meteonorm files (TM2) does not seem correct. Because when I am plotting the radiation profiles for a year it is showing less radiation intensity in summer and greater in winter. Please tell me how can I use the other TMY or CSV weather data file for simulating my system.




Thanks & Regards


Rajeev Awasthi




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