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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Plant model

Hi Jean-Pierre,

I have created a TRNSYS component based on a crops model developed by Graamans et al. (2017). The model has been validated for hydroponic lettuces growing in steady-state conditions under electrical lighting (no natural light). If you are interested, I would be happy to share the model. Please feel free to contact me at my email address.

Graamans, L., van den Dobbelsteen, A., Meinen, E., & Stanghellini, C. (2017). Plant factories; crop transpiration and energy balance. Agricultural Systems, 153(Supplement C), 138-147. 

Kind regards,
Marie-Hélène Talbot, M.Sc.A.|Étudiante au doctorat
Département de génie de la construction
École de technologie supérieure

Le mar. 1 oct. 2019 à 10:43, David BRADLEY via TRNSYS-users <trnsys-users@lists.onebuilding.org> a écrit :


  I have recently been finding more papers proposing models for evapotranspiration from plants. I implemented one of them called the Penman-Monteith equation in a Type for a project. The model represents a "reference" evapotranspiration rate but there are a lot of factors that influence the rate away from the reference value. These might be things like crop type, crop area, crop age, crop management practices, local weather factors (like ongoing droughts or floods). It is possible to find information about how some of those variables modify the reference rate but in my experience not all of them. The equation was definitely not developed with plants as part of a glazing system in mind but it might give you a first approximation of the evapotranspiration rate.

  Please let me know if you are interested; I can get you some more info about the Type or about the equation.

kind regards,


On 09/30/2019 08:38, Jean-Pierre BEDRUNE via TRNSYS-users wrote:

Hi all,


I intend to modelize a Dual wall made of glazing containing plants.

Do you know a Trnsys component able to modelize the evaporation of plants in such a case ?


Kind regards,




            Addenda - très petite taille


Jean-Pierre BEDRUNE | Ingénieur - Chargé de projet | Mobile : 06 80 87 38 29

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