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[TRNSYS-users] Data Reader Type 9d

Hello TRNSYS Users,


I am trying to read a data file, provided by measurement data. The problem is, that I have one column with text and another column with data.

To read the data, I used Type 9d to skip the text columns and to read the data columns.

The problem is, that my data basis does not have the same amount of space in each column.


As you can see in the example.txt (appendix), the first line has 4 letters to skip, then a tab and after that the data to read.

In line 2, there are only 2 letters to skip with the tab and the data followed.


The same problem occurs, if I try to read the data column itself, because the first line consists of a value of 0.0 (that would be F3.1 to read) and the third line consists of a value of 24.57 (that would be F5.2 to read).


Is there a way to read this data file without preprocessing the data?


Thanks for the support!


P.S. I am out of office for the rest of the week.



M.Sc. Julian Schumann


Abteilung Solare Systeme

Solar systems department


Arbeitsgruppe Kollektoren

Workgroup Collectors


Institut für Solarenergieforschung GmbH

Am Ohrberg 1

D-31860 Emmerthal


Phone: +49 (0) 5151 999 521

Fax: +49 (0) 5151 999 500


eMail: j.schumann@isfh.de   

Internet: www.isfh.de 


Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Hannover HRB 100547

Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Rolf Brendel

Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Ministerialrat Dr. Sebastian Huster



Â¥2019 ISFH [1546297200]
This	0.0	This
is	0.0	is
a	24.57	a
text	310.89	placeholder
column	557.95	column