Marion, Thanks for your patience! It seem to me clear. So (in my case): - common for QSOLTR and QTSABS is solar energy accumulated in walls - difference is that in QSOLTR second part of energy comeback to outside and third part (going to outside) heat up windows, while in QTSABS second part is sun radiation accumulated in windows (when radiation go to inside and outside zone) which then heat up inside. Am I right? Karol From: hotline [] Karol, This equation isn’t correct! The absorbed solar radiation on the inside of opaque surfaces of a zone are Qabsi_opq = QTSABS – QSEC = QSOLTR – QTSOUT – Qabsi_win_out with Qabsi_win_out … is solar radiation absorbed by windows (panes, frame and internal shading devices) when radiation is incident from inside. In your example, QTSOUT is relative small compared to QSEC. This means that not much radiation is leaving the zone. Then QTSABS is larger than QSOLTR because solar radiation is mainly absorbed when it is incident from outside. I have the feeling that you didn’t get the definition of QSEC correctly: the secondary heat flux of windows (panes, frame and internal shading devices) ( = QSEC, NType 56). I encourage you to look at certain time step at the numbers for a zone (A10) with the select outputs of Balance 1 (starting from NTYPE 910). Balance 1 provides an good overview where radiation goes. Marion __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH Curiestraße 2 70563 Stuttgart Transsolar: KlimaEngineering- Technologien für energieeffizientes Bauen und Nutzerkomfort in Gebäuden Stuttgart – München – New York – Paris Geschäftsführer :Diplom-Ingenieur Matthias Schuler, Diplom-Ingenieur Thomas Auer, Diplom-Physiker Stefan Holst, Diplom-Betriebswirt Dieter Schnelle Eingetragen beim Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 23347, Steuernummer: 99073/00911,USt-IdNr.: DE 152272639 The simulation project you have sent will be stored on the local servers of Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH for the duration of the project support. Our employees are obliged by us to confidentiality. After this period, all project-related data is deleted. The storage of your personal e-mail and other contact information is based on the mutual interest in the execution of this traffic and on a mutual business contact. If you have any questions, please contact our data protection officer at Our privacy policy can be found here. Von: Karol Bandurski <> Dear Marion, So, if I understand, in my case (lack of internal shading), QSOLTR should be bigger than QTSABS because it includes also QTSOUT and radiation that is absorbed by windows but then transferred by convection to outside: QSOLTR=QTSABS+QTSOUT+radiation absorbed by windows and then transferred by convection to outside. If I am right: 1) Way QSOLTR < QTSABS in my case? 2) Solar gain is QTSABS because it represents solar radiation that is captured inside zone while QSOLTR include also QSTOUT and radiation absorbed by windows and then transferred by convection to outside. I would be grateful for more clarification! Kind regards, From: hotline [] Dear Karol, I have to confess that this is a little confusing. For better understanding of the differences of QSOLTR and QTSABS it is important to understand the considered “parts”. QSOLTR is the total shortwave solar radiation transmitted through all external windows including shading device into the airnode. Then in the airnode this radiation is distributed to surfaces (taking into reflection). (For simplicity reasons we assume that there are no adjacent windows). As a results QSOLTR is either a) immediately transferred as convective heat gain to the internal air (= Qsolair, doesn’t exist in Trnsys 17) or is b) absorbed by walls or b) is absorbed by windows (panes, frame and internal shading devices) as radiation leaves (!) the airnode to the outside or c) is transmitted to the outside (= QTSOUT, NType 73) QTSABS (NType 75) consists of
Thus, QSOLTR and QTSABS consider different parts of the solar radiation. I assume you are looking something like QSOLTR – QTSOUT. I hope this explanation helps. Kind regards, Marion Von: Karol Bandurski <> Dear Christoph, Thank you for your response! The problem is that, it seems to me, that I don’t have internal shading, so QSOLTR should equal QTSABS. Am I right? How should I set window type and external devices to get QSOLTR=QTSABS? Kind regards, From: hotline [] Dear Karol, QSOLTR is the total shortwave solar radiation transmitted through external windows and internal shading. QTSABS also includes the secondary heat flux which includes the convection of internal shader. Hope that clarifies your energy balance a bit. Best, Christoph Von: TRNSYS-users <> Im Auftrag von Karol Bandurski via TRNSYS-users Dear All, I am going to find whole solar gain which come to zone throug windows. There are two outputs that I consider: QTSABS and QSOLTR. It seems to me that bigger should be QSOLTR, because it is shortwave radiation transmitted through window (but not kept 100% in air node). The QTSABS is what exactly has been kept - has been absorbed by inside surfaces. But it is appear that QTSABS > QSOLTR… Could you write me what is right interpretation of those outputs? Kind regards, -------------------------------------------------------------------- Karol BANDURSKI M. Sc. Faculty of Civil and Environemntal Engeneering Division of Heating, Air Conditioning and Air Protection Poznan University of Technology |