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[TRNSYS-users] importing new WINDOW LBNL Glazing to TRNBUILD Librarys

Dear TRNSYS Users,

I would like to create new "european" glazings in Window LBNL to import them to TRNBUILD Librarys.

In WINDOW 7, I have to choose between NFRC American Standard and European Standards (EN 410 and EN 673). Values of U-Value and g-Value are quiet differents between these two standards for the same glazing.

It seems glazings listed in all W4-lib.dat have been calculated with NFRC American Standard, as I can read in multizone building documentation :

8. "WINDOW 4.1, PC Program for Analyzing Window Thermal Performance in Accordance with Standard NFRC Procedures", Windows and Daylighting Group, Building Technologies         Program, Energy and Environment Division, Lawrence berkeley Laboratory, CA 94729 USA, March 1994

So my questions are :

- Can you confirm that all glazings listed in W4-lib.dat, specially in the German library, have been calculated with NFRC American Standard ? Even the Saint-Gobain CLIMAPLUS FUTUR AR 1.1 4/15/4 ? For this one I find the same values between Trnbuild library and european standard Window 7 results ...
- In this case, how can I translate values between the two standards ? (It's a big problem for me : during 15 years I asked trnbuild values to my glazing manufacturers but they used obviously european standards ...)

Best regards

Christophe PLANTIER

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