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Re: [TRNSYS-users] control signal

Dear Mehrdad,

you better use some thermostat control (like types 108 or 698...you could also use type 2) to determine the heat pump status, instead than a condition based on instant temperatures set in an equation block. You need some dead band for your controller, otherwise the model will crash. Hope it helps, best regards


2018-08-09 9:20 GMT+02:00 Mehrdad Vojdani via TRNSYS-users <trnsys-users@lists.onebuilding.org>:
Dear TRNSYS users,

I have a problem with controlling type 665 (split heat pump). As you may know, this type uses catalogue data to interpolate and find the right outputs. In the case of extrapolating, a warning will occur. The type would return minimum or maximum output. 
When I set the control signal for the type (Cooling signal or Heating signal) MANUALLY to 1 and ran the simulation, no error or warning occurred. 
But when I try to control the type with some equations, too much warning and finally an error...
I used the equations to set some sort of seasonal thermostat.
I will attach my file (*.tpf *.bui *.tm2). 

Thanks for your help.


TRNSYS-users mailing list


Àngel Carrera Martín
Consultor sènior en Sistemes
Llicenciat en ciencies físiques
Sistemes Avançats d'Energia Solar Tèrmica - AIGUASOL

           +(00) 34 663 276 680   Roger de Llúria 29, 3r 2a
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