Inviato da Posta per Windows 10 Da: chiara pinto via TRNSYS-users Hi everyone, i’m using type 927 to simulate a water to water heatpump. I have write the input file and i have modify the input schedule in trnsys, but ,when i run the simulation , i have strange value: for example my oulet load temperature= 1.6*10^8
and this is not normal. I have the same problem if i use the input file that trnsys give me as example with its default values.
One other problem is that the heat pump seems to be off because heat transfer to load end heat transfer from source are zero. There is a type to impose that heat pump had to be on from 8.00 am to 17.00 pm? I really don’t understand where the problem is. Has anyone a solution for this problem? Thanks for your help, Best regards, Chiara Inviato da
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