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[TRNSYS-users] Trombe wall modeling with Type36



I use Type36 in Mode 2 (air flowrate computed internally, glazing transmittance as an input) to model a naturally vented Trombe wall.

I use the multi-layer detailed window model from Type56 to compute the solar transmittance B3_QSTRNS/B3_QSEXT and U-value UWIN of the window (at each time step).

Looking at the source code of Type36 I cannot figure out how the model accounts for the inward-flowing portion of the solar radiation absorbed by the window. Therefore I would rather provide SHGC (B3_QSTRNS+B3_QSHFPR)/B3_QSEXT instead of solar transmittance as an input to Type36.

The drawback being all this inward-flowing portion considered as radiation absorbed by the massive wall. However the uncertainty (assuming all inward-flowing portion is radiative) seems lower than totally neglecting the inward-flowing portion.

Would somebody have a recommendation to share?




Antoine Gautier


+33 6 58 24 02 60
