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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type 1288 solar library (TESS)

The format of the incidence angle modifier data file is similar to any of the other models that use the bi-axial format:

The first line in the data file must include the transverse angles for which data is provided - in ascending order - and from 0 to 90 degrees.

The second line in the data file must include the longitudinal angles for which data is provided - in ascending order - and from 0 to 90 degrees.

The next N lines contain the value of the incidence angle modifier at the combination of the longitudinal and transverse angles, where N is the number of longitudinal angles (NL) multiplied by the number of transverse angles (NT).  These values repeat for NL times for a given transverse angle. 

A few things to remember:

Make sure to set the correct parameter values based on the number of angles that you have

The text file must be pure ASCII text

The data interpolation routine will not extrapolate beyond the bounds of your data - so make sure you have the extremes covered


An example helps illustrate the format

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90    !Transverse angles
0 15 30 45 60 75 90      !Longitudinal angles
1.0000 !IAM at T=0,L=0
0.9000 !IAM at T=0,L=15
0.8000 !IAM at T=0,L=30
0.7000 !IAM at T=0,L=45
0.6000 !IAM at T=0,L=60
0.5000 !IAM at T=0,L=75
0.4000 !IAM at T=0,L=90
0.9000 !IAM at T=10,L=0
0.8000 !IAM at T=10,L=15
0.7000 !IAM at T=10,L=30
0.6000 !IAM at T=10,L=45
0.5000 !IAM at T=10,L=60
0.4000 !IAM at T=10,L=75
0.3000 !IAM at T=10,L=90
0.0000 !IAM at T=90,L=90




Jeff Thornton President - TESS LLC 22 N. Carroll Street, Madison WI USA 53703 Office: (608) 274-2577 Fax: (608) 278-1475 www.tess-inc.com E-Mail: thornton@tess-inc.com

On 03/15/2017 5:55 am, Roberto Tascioni via TRNSYS-users wrote:

Hi everyone,
concerning the type 1288 of the solar library (TESS), I'm trying to understand:
how can the ".dat" file be changed ?
(.\Tess Models\SampleCatalogData\Bi-Axial  IAMs\Typical_LinearFresnel_IAM_2d.dat)
In particular, is not clear the data sorting into the file, in my case I have the longitudinal and transversal IAM and I don't know which is the exact procedure to fill it preventing possible mistakes by the type.
The document "10-SolarLibraryMathematicalReference.pdf" that describes this type is missing of the mathematical model, it is written "coming soon" only, nothing more, its last update dates back to 10/07/2014 ! This is unacceptable !

Your help will be appreciated.
Thanks a lot.

Roberto Tascioni - Energy Eng. – Industrial and Innovation Department,
Applied Science and Technology Faculty Marconi University: www.unimarconi.it Lab.: Via Paolo Emilio 29, 00192 Rome, Italy. Phone: +39 0637725-268 mail: r.tascioni@lab.unimarconi.it

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