Good morning to all, I have a distributable (.exe) that opens with the icon of (TRNSHELL). This distributable was created with Trnsys 16. The I have created an other distributable (equal to the other) but with Trnsys 17. In this case the icon to open it is the same of the file.trd Why? My question is because I am trying to open files .trd and file.exe (distributable of that .trd) with Autoit but there is a error: It say me that I cannot open the file.trd While the files created with Trnsys 16 have not problems. If someone can help me I report the Autoit code that I have to use: ; Script Start - Add your code below here Run("clima.exe clima.trd") WinWait("About TRNEdit") WinActivate("About TRNEdit") Send("{ENTER}") WinWait("[CLASS:TTRNSHELLFORM]") WinActivate("[CLASS:TTRNSHELLFORM]") Send("{F8}") WinWait("[CLASS:TProg32]","Continue") WinActivate("[CLASS:TProg32]","Continue") ;WinWaitActive("[CLASS:TTRNSHELLFORM]") ;WinWaitActive("TRNEXE: clima.trd") ;WinActivate("TRNEXE: clima.trd") ;ControlClick("[CLASS:TProg32]","Continue", "[CLASSNAMENN:TButton2]") ;WinWaitNotActive("[CLASS:TProg32]", "", 6) ;Sleep(6000) Send("{ENTER}") WinWait("[CLASS:TTRNSHELLFORM]") WinClose("[CLASS:TTRNSHELLFORM]") WinWaitActive("[CLASS:TMessageForm]") Send("{RIGHT}") Send("{ENTER}") Thanks in advance
Massimo Da: via TRNSYS-users Dear all, I am modeling a residential building with the above ground floor modeled as a single zone, and a single zone basement, and I intended to use Type 1244 to confirm whether or not my first assumption to use Type 77 instead was valid. However, using type 1244, after about 2600 hours into the simulation, the boundary temperature of the soil spikes rapidly, eventually reaching unrealistic values (in the thousands of °C!). I have mapped the single zone basement based on the TESS tutorial, and I have left most of the parameters for the soil unchanged, except for the Deep earth temperature (10 °C) and Amplitude of surface temperature (20 °C). The set point in cooling for the zone is 26 °C. I am running a 0.5h time step, and 0.1 °C convergence temperature, tough this last parameter did not seem to have a lot of effect on the results. If anyone ever encountered this issue and could direct me to a possible solution, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Olivier Quevillon Étudiant à la maîtrise en Génie Mécanique École de Technologie Supérieure |