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[TRNSYS-users] Type94a, Type 94a

Dear all,


I want to simulate the PV yield and I am  using  Type94a (see attachement).

I have some knowledge on the 4-parameter PV model, I have two major questions or remarks:


I am using TRNSYS 17.01.xx


############# FIRST #########################:

I am not entirely clear but I think, that Type94a when operated with

ParameterValue(16)  (tau-alpha)>0,  that is without the IAM-correction,

e.g. tau-alpha=0.9, does not consider tau-alpha for the calculation of the light-current I_L.


The annual yield is not sensitive wrt tau-alpha ():

-          Run the attached project (Project_Type94a_noWeatherFile.tpf)  (tau-alpha=0.9) and record the  value for  Wpv_kWh7m2 in the online plotter at the end of the year (my result 675.8 kWh/m2)

-          change tau-alpha to 0.5 and repeat the last line (my result 686.4 kWh/m2), the result is higher which is not really physical with nearly half the radiation from before (reason: the cell-temperature is smaller – see below, and not tau_alpha correction for the light current)


You may repeat these steps for a project (Project_Type94a_.tpf) with real weather data

my results for tau-alpha=0.9 :  232.2 kWh/m2

my results for tau-alpha=0.5 :  226.7 kWh/m2 (the difference is too small)


I cite the relevant source code lines (see attachment) in the following.

Lets assume tau-alpha=0.9; 


Line 240: tamax = DABS(getParameterValue(16))           ! à tamax=0.9 represents the optical efficiency factor

Line 245: If (getParameterValue(16) < 0) Then

Line 248: incangmod = 0                                                              ! incangmod = 0 since getParameterValue(16) > 0

Line 249: tau_al = tamax                                                             ! tau_al is set constant

Line 393: sun = getInputValue(1)/3.6d0                               !  read the total radiation on the PV-array

Line 498: tc = ta + (sun*(tcnoct-tanoct)/sunnoct*(1.-effref/tau_al)) ! tau_al is used for the calculation of the cell temperature

Line 501: il = (sun/sunr)*(ilr+misc*nprl*(tc-tcr))              ! for the calc. of the light current tau_al is not used; that is, it seems there is no optical efficiency considered

Am I missing sth here, or do I use an old source code file (please see attachement)?

As I understand in this case without IAM-correction there is an error in the source-code.


############# SECOND  #########################:

Lets assume tau-alpha=-0.9; à incangmod = 1


I don’t understand where type94a gets a value assigned for sungnd?

Where does the sungnd come from, I mean Type94a has no parameter relating to the ground reflectance.

Line 497: sungnd = sungnd*tagnd

   sundir = sundir*tadir

   tau_al =(sundiff+sungnd+sundir)/sun

   sun = sundiff+sungnd+sundir



Thank you for any responses.

best regards





  Mag. Ing. Martin Felix Pichler

   Institut fuer Waermetechnik / Institute of Thermal Engineering

   TU Graz / Graz University of Technology

   Inffeldgasse 25B, A-8010 Graz


   Tel.: +43 316 873 7312

   Fax : +43 316 873 7305




Attachment: 20140521_Univ_hour.tm2
Description: 20140521_Univ_hour.tm2

Attachment: Project_Type94a_.tpf
Description: Project_Type94a_.tpf

Attachment: Project_Type94a_noWeatherFile.tpf
Description: Project_Type94a_noWeatherFile.tpf

Attachment: Type94.f90
Description: Type94.f90