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Re: [TRNSYS-users] connection between type 194, 48c and 47b

 Yes, it is appropriate to connect Type194's maximum power point power to Type48 and Type47 as inputs. I would recommend that you contact your distributor to obtain the most recent TRNSYS release (17.02.0005). It contains an example of what you are trying to do. If you aren't sure who to contact then please send me an email containing the contents of your user17.id file (it can be opened with a text editor and is located in the ..\Trnsys17 folder). Please send the email directly to me and do not copy the entire list!
kind regards,

On 02/25/2016 13:50, Sandeep Singh Chahal wrote:

Hello TRNSYS users,

I am trying to charge a battery bank with solar power. Following components are being used:

1. type 194 ( photovoltaic panel)

2. type 47b( battery)

c. type 48c ( controller)

Problems that I am facing

1.when I connect type 194 through type 48c(controller), battery state of charge remains zero and all other property.

can someone please clear following questions:

1. Is it appropriate to connect type 194 output: Power at maximum power point ( which is Watts converted into KJ/h)  to   type 48c as input power?

2. I am using TRNSYS 17.01.0028, is there any example with controllers and batteries.

reference : http://lists.onebuilding.org/htdig.cgi/trnsys-users-onebuilding.org/2016-January/027814.html 

3. suggestion regarding proper combination of battery, controller and PV panel?

I will greatly appreciate any help!

Sandeep Chahal

TRNSYS-users mailing list

Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
Madison, WI  53703 USA

