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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Building a TRNSYS DLL to couple run Simulink and TRNSYS

  The TRNSYS kernel and TRNSYS types communicate with each other in a fundamentally different way between Trnsys16 and Trnsys17. In Trnsys16 the kernel passed certain pieces of relevant information (like the list of parameters, inputs, outputs, and certain flags for where the simulation is in its overall process) to the Types whereas in Trnsys17 the Types query the kernel for the information that they need. That said, the Trnsys17 kernel is able to communicate with Trnsys16 Types using the "passed information" method so long as the Types identify themselves as being written using the Trnsys16 coding standard. I don't think that the problem you are facing lies here. More likely the issue is in either the compiler project settings not matching up with those of the Visual Studio Fortran project that is used to compile the DLL or that your project cannot access the compiled libraries that contain the definitions of all the functions and data structures that your Type needs but that are contained and declared in the TRNDLL. I have not written any C++ components for TRNSYS so I am afraid that I can't offer any hints on how to resolve the problems. If any other users have experience with this, I would greatly appreciate hearing about it.
kind regards,

On 02/23/2016 14:47, Mustafa Ahmed Syed wrote:



I’m using TRNSYS 17, MATLAB R2012b (32-bit), and Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 to build a TRNSYS DLL which will compile a Simulink project.


I’m using a dissertation written by Saleh Nasser Al-Saadi, titled “Modeling and Simulation of PCM-Enhanced Façade Systems” as a guide to help me (I’ve linked the paper to this question and the guide starts on p. 475 of the pdf).




A brief summary of guide is:


1)      Compile the Simulink project and generate the C++ files

2)      Open the .makefile in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

3)      Build the solution

4)      DLL files will automatically be generated in TRNSYS’ Release DLLs folder


In our case, we were unable to build the solution in Microsoft Visual Studio. The output window in Microsoft Visual Studio had a bunch of errors and warnings which I can’t make any sense of.


The only reason why the solution won’t build – that I can think of – is that the person who wrote the dissertation was using TRNSYS 16 (confirmed by the author) instead of TRNSYS 17.


If anyone has had a similar problem and were able to rectify the issue, please let me know. Your help will be greatly appreciated!

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