Dear Alastair, Thank u for answering. For sure I took the area in the calculations so I was comparing the output of the solar panel with the solar irradiance times the area of the solar panel. This is why I cannot figure out the results. Best regards, Benjamin Stobbe Van: TRNSYS-users [] Namens Alastair McDowell Hi Benjamin, Solar irradiance has the units of [kJ/hr.m^2], i.e. energy rate per unit square meter. It is quite likely that the magnitude of thermal energy yield (kJ) will exceed the integrated solar irradiance (kJ/m^2), if the surface area of your solar panels is greater than 2-3 m^2, depending on the thermal efficiency of the panels. Make sure you have taken the units and area into account in your calculations. Kind regards, Alastair McDowell Engineering Consultant Energy Analysis & Engineering – Enabling innovation for a sustainable future T: +61 450 600 842 608 Harris St Sydney NSW 2007 Australia | From: TRNSYS-users <> on behalf of Benjamin Stobbe <> Dear all, During my project with the hybrid solar panel type 50b I found out some strange behaviour during the total yield measurements. The solar panels produce more thermal energy than irradiance they receive, can someone explain me how this is possible and if maybe make a mistake somewhere. Best regards, Benjamin Stobbe |