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[TRNSYS-users] Tempering valve type11b (mode5)

Hi all,

Can anyone correct me if I was wrong please

I am using type11b (mode 5) like as it has been used in the figure [4.6.2–4: Example of Tempering Valve Use] page 4-182 in ch4 of TRNSYS manual, and I summarized what I understood in three points:

1- if T h<T set and T i>T h =======then flow will be through the outlet 2.
2- if T h<T set but T i<T h======= then the flow will be though the outlet 1.
3- if T h>T set and either Ti>T h or T i<T h ============then flow will be through the outlet 1
Am I right? (I am not sure about point 2)

Kind regards,