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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Weather data file creation


You may want to try reading your measured weather data in from a generic text file reader (Type 9 for example). This is easier than trying to create a weather file. Then you could supplement your data with selected outputs from a standard TMY weather data reader (such as for azimuth angle and elevation angle).

If you want to do one step better, you could purchase a weather file for your area over the same time period (AMY) and use a combination of your measured data and their interpolated data. One such service is http://www.weatheranalytics.com/; there may be equivalents that I'm not aware of.

Best Regards,
Ben Heymer

On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 3:40 AM, Gaëlle Terrom <gaelle.terrom@dualsun.fr> wrote:
Dear TRNSYS Users, 

I'm using TRNSYS 16. 
I measure some meteorological data on a site in France with a weather station
- Total irradation on horizontal
- wind velocity
- wind direction
- Ambient temperature

I would like to use my data in a TRNSYS project. Is there a easy way to create or modify a weather data file ? 


DualSun - Directrice Etudes
Mobile : +33 7 60 40 37 66
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Email : gaelle.terrom@dualsun.fr
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