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[TRNSYS-users] TRNSYS, rebuilt with error in the ICONN array

Dear Trnsys users,


Some months ago, I rebuilt TRNSYS to increase the limits on number of equations, outputs,… accepted in one simulation.

The final parameters are the following:


integer, parameter :: nMaxUnits           =     30000

integer, parameter :: nMaxEquations       =      2000

integer, parameter :: nMaxDerivatives     =      10000

integer, parameter :: nMaxOutputs         =     300000

integer, parameter :: nMaxParameters      =     200000


I now get a Fortran error during the simulation on the ICONN array after ca 1500h of simulation. The error is the following:



I would appreciate some help with this. And if anyone who had this problem before and solved it helped us with this problem.


Best regards,




Roberto Garay Martinez


División Construcción Sostenible /

Sustainable Construction Division


Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia

C/Geldo s/n, Edificio 700

E-48160 Derio Bizkaia Spain

Tel.: +34 946 430 069

Mov.: +34 667 178 958

Fax:  +34 946 460 900





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