Can you send some log files to ? First modify the AIR file by changing the very first line to "2" and the third item on the first line of the PRJ file to "2" as well. This will activate detailed logging. There are two log files to send us: 1. Type98.log located in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\NIST\Type98\ 2. <prj file name>.xlog located in same directory as the PRJ file. Let us know if a console window pops up with ContamX running in it. It should say: ------------------------------------------------------------- Running ContamX 3.1 on cottage-dcv.prj Running steady-state initialization: Date: Jan01 time: 00:00:00 End Steady-state Initialization Press <alt P> to pause or stop simulation. ... ------------------------------------------------------------- W. Stuart Dols |