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[TRNSYS-users] Modelling radiant heating panels with chilled ceiling-model?

Hello everyone,
I'm currently working with the chilled ceiling model in Type 56. The thing is only that I want to operate the radiant panels in heating mode and not for cooling. In the layer definition I have to specify the specific norm power and massflow. I'm wondering how the model knows if the model is operated for heating or cooling applications, except from the inlet temperature I adjust in the "chilled ceiling specification"-window (from wall-list)? Since the specific norm power is defined for both heating (over temperature 55 K) and cooling operation (over temperature 8 K) in producer data sheets I don't really understand which value is expected here. I suppose it's the cooling power since the model is designed for cooling applications and then the heat transfer is calculated according to the inlet conditions in the panels. But do I still get correct results then? Or is the chilled ceiling model even the right way to model heated ceiling panels? There is still Type1231 from Tess-HVAC-Library...

I would really appreciate any comments or similar experience! Thanks in advance!
Marina Stegelmeier

Marina Stegelmeier, Dipl.- Ing.
Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
Institut für Umwelttechnik und Energiewirtschaft
Eißendorfer Straße 40
21073 Hamburg
Raum 1.016, Gebäude D
Internet: www.tuhh.de/iue
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