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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Components order

  Yes, the component order can have an impact on the simulation's convergence although it is rare in my experience. The TRNSYS kernel calls the components in the order in which they appear in the input file. The kernel also determines that convergence has not been reached after 30 iterations in a timestep (although you can change the 30-iteration limit if you wish). If you have components in an illogical order, it may take the system more iterations to solve than if you have the components in a logical order. If you have got a complex system anyway (where multiple iterations are needed in order to solve) then an non-ideal component order can push you over the iteration limit.
  I try to adjust the component order so that the components appear in "flow order" - in other words so that the components are called in the same order in which liquid flows through them. Of course there are often loops so you have to decide a component that will be first in the list. Since pumps set the flow for all downstream components, they are a good choice.
Kind regards,

On 11/15/2013 06:44, Bellini Alessandro wrote:

Dear TRNSYS Users,


I have some convergence problems running a Complex Solar Thermal System (30 active components) when I made parametrical analysis.

The model stop at certain time of simulation without giving error in the .LST file and "freezing the screen".

I have enough thermal capacity (pipes and storages) in every circuit so I try to solve the problem changing the "components order" in the "Global Info" and for some cases this solution works well.


Have anybody found the same problem?


I would like to know if there are rules to follow in the "components order" definition or where I can find some information about it?



Thanks for the support




Alessandro Bellini

Institute for Renewable Energy


EURAC research

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