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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Modifying TRN3D IDF File (Window Sizes), Applying Types to All or Selected Zones, and Schedules

  You would have to redraw the windows on the exterior walls but you would not have to recreate the entire model. I would start with your current model, save a copy, delete the windows, save that version, then redraw the windows that you want to resize.

  For adding a type to a lot of zones in the *.bui file, I think you have found the trick that I use. I typically add the type to the first zone, then I edit the *.bui file with a text editor to add it to all the other zones. Its much faster than adding the type in TRNBuild.

  For the schedules, I rarely use the schedules that are built in to TRNBuild. I almost always create INPUTS instead of SCHEDULES. Then I use external Types in order to define whatever value I need. In the case of the kinds of schedules that you speak of, look at the TESS Applications library; there is a holiday scheduler that will allow you to define the schedules that you want using a graphical plugin. If you do not have the TESS Applications library, you can define schedules using Type14 and then sequence them using Type41.
Kind regards,

On 7/26/2013 12:43, Aaron Danenberg wrote:
Fellow TRN3D Users:

Is it possible to change a windows dimensions when using SketchUp?  I created a detailed model, and hoping I do not have to create an entirely new model.  I simply would like to change the window area and possibly location of the window on the EXT_WALL surface.

Also, is there a way to create a Type like Heat001, and then apply it to all zones, or select from a list of zones.  I have been doing this manually by editing the the in the .BUI file which is faster than manually opening countless zones and adding gains, heating, cooling, humidity types.

Last question is there a way to create seasonal, weekly, or monthly schedules to apply at certain points throughout the year.  Lets say that I want to input special events, for example a School that might have a few basketball games where the court is filled close to capacity with parents and fans.  I am looking to model special events and estimate HVAC costs for events that do not fall within the typical schedule.  I know I could just run a smaller simulation of just the event and specific zones.  Though I also am working on a project for a museum that is closed for certain months during the year, so seasonal schedules would be helpful.


Aaron Danenberg 

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Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
Madison, WI  53703 USA

