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Re: [TRNSYS-users] new component in trnsys

Hi Louis,

we faced the same problem some years ago, i think just after the release of v17. We fixed it by installing the compiler used for creating the component in the new computer, but I don't remember what was the reason. Probably we found the solution somewhere in the list archive. Hope it helps,


2013/5/15 <Louis.Lamarche@etsmtl.ca>



I created a new component in trnsys 17 and everything is working fine on my computer. The new types are well exported and  I receive the message

“ The following types were loaded from  newdll.dll”

When I give my .dll to my students, I put them in the userlib directory and I we receive the message

“ newdll.dll was found but did not contain any component “

And also error 105

105 : A TYPE was called in the TRNSYS input file but

was either not linked into trndll.dll or was not found in an external dll

Does anyone knows what can happen ? I saw somewhere that the trndll has to be rebuild but I did not rebuild it on my computer, nor did I had to rebuild it when I bought the type type460.dll ?


Thank you very much


Louis Lamarche


Génie mécanique

Ecole de Technologie Supérieure

1100 Notre-Dame ouest

Montréal, H3C 1K3



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