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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Absorption Chiller - behavior - URGENT


in the standard trnsys model, the absorption chiller capacity is set as a function of the temperature difference and flow rate on the evaporator, in other words, there is no relation on the capacity neither with the generator flow rate nor inlet temperature. Once identified the fraction of nominal capacity depending on the chilled water conditions, and corrected as per the external file, the model imposes the necessary temperature differences to the other flow rates. Therre are no internal controls on type 107, while real chillers usually have some kind of control on flow rates and temperatures in the fluid loops.
I recommend you to take a look the type 107 description in the mathematical reference to understand what's going on inside the type.


2013/5/2 dev sharma <devsharmami@gmail.com>
Hej All,

I am trying to model a solar based absorption cycle.

The experimental data with me, has following observations:
1. If I change just the hot water flowrate (reduced to half), the
capacity of the chiller reduces considerably (approx by 40%).
In model: Instead of reduction in capacity, the temperature drop of
hot water increases.
2. If I change just the hot water inlet temperature (by over 10 DegC
i.e 92-80), the capacity drop is considerable again( approx 60%)
In model: Instead of reduction in capacity, the temperature drop of
hot water is in w different range that's all. (80-70 DegC).

I have changed the data file for type 107 in terms of operating
temperature i.e from initial 108-116DegC to 70-95DegC.

I am attaching the modified data file.

Can someone please help me to modify this data file to suit the above
mentioned trends?

Dev Sharma

Dev Sharma
Erasmus Mundus Masters in Sustainable Energy
KTH, Stockholm & UPC, Barcelona
Mobile: +34635104882 (Spain)

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