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[TRNSYS-users] Leveraging the Python language in Building Performance Simulation

Dear simulation community,

The Python programming language is well known as a powerful tool in automation, scripting, and high performance scientific computing. In our experience, countless hours have been saved in automating building simulation tasks, allowing us to focus more on creating quality building models and accurate performance results.

We believe that Python is positioned to make a big difference in the building simulation community. To get started, we have the following offer: Send us your scripting problems, and we will solve them for you!

In this phase, we are interested most in small well defined tasks. Example problems would be;

"In my research, I need to parametrize 100 EnergyPlus files with different U-Values"
"We need to convert 1000 files from format *.yyy to format *.qqq"
"Our company produces a report for each project, we use Excel to calculate the average Lux levels from radiance, it's easy but boring after 100 projects"
Or anything else where you think - "I wish I had an intern do this for me..." (Maybe you are this intern...)

Help us by defining your problem with steps taken and the desired result. Send them to:

For all problems received, we will recommend ideas, methods, and modules. We will furthermore select 3 projects to solve and feature in our Workshop during the Building Simulation 2013 conference in France next August http://www.bs2013.fr/. We will also feature these problems on our website; http://www.pythonpoweredbuilding.com.

Problems must therefore be free of any intellectual property and will be open to all. For more information and more about us, please visit http://www.pythonpoweredbuilding.com. If you are already a convert and want to get involved, contact us at info@pythonpoweredbuilding.com.

Please excuse cross posting, we will direct further updates primarily to BLDG-SIM.

Happy simulating,

Marcus Jones, Clayton Miller, and Alan Jackson - Python evangelists